resource the plan

one day, two perspectives, three simple steps

The basic idea

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, the strategic is elbowed out by the day-to-day reality and the key moment to make a change is missed. Sometimes you get so bogged down in the fine detail of the budget that the big picture is lost. Sometimes the vision isn’t quite clear enough to pin down the staffing and expenditure plans.

Sometimes two perspectives, educational and financial, just don’t quite gel.

A fresh pair of eyes can help you see where to put your energy, can shine a spotlight on the gap, or on the decisions that need to be taken or the things that could be dropped.

A single day

The Resource the Plan day is for the educational leader who wants to be sure that their financial strategy will resource their educational dream.  It is for the leader who wants to tame the uncertainty, manage the risks, shift the balance or simply build rock solid business foundations.  It is for the CEO in a MAT that is growing or where the current balance between central and local is not quite right.

It has a clear and standard framework, because you are busy, your time is precious, and you need certainty over the timings and structure.  But the content will be totally unique to your organisation because context should never be ignored.

At the end of just one day, you will have a fresh insight into the three simple steps that will make the most difference.

And if you want to use this as part of your internal scrutiny programme, to support a bid or for an external audience, then we can add in a summary report, within a week or our day together.

One day

Two perspectives

Three simple steps

resource the plan

What to expect

Before the day:

  • A phone call to clarify your objectives, any time constraints you need to work around and who needs to be involved
  • You share any existing documentation and data that you think would be helpful for me to understand your vision and your reality
  • I collate some Effervesce resources and information I think could be useful

On the day:

  • I need to start my day with you, the senior executive, the Head, CEO, Principal, whatever the title, I need to start with the boss
  • Some structured and individual conversations with key people, as well as some time in a group
  • I then need some time to reflect and pull my ideas and suggestions together into three simple steps
  • At the end of the day, we reconvene, just the two of us or the whole executive team, for feedback and discussion

Venue?  It will come to you. It won’t work on zoom.

Do you think you might need more?

My personal preference is for a team to develop strength from within, with a careful sprinkling of external support, challenge and expertise.  My recommendations will not include buying me in as a consultant.  But we might, as we work together, find that there is more to do.  If so, we can follow that up afterwards. 

We might stay in touch, but this day is intended to provide a stimulus, a nudge, a refocus, a spotlight, a mirror. 


“Susan has an instinctive ability to see the gaps and disconnects that are holding the organisation back from achieving all that it desires. What is magical is how she then cuts through all the detail to find solutions. Susan brings enthusiasm, creativity and insight, combined with real empathy and understanding”

Tess Gale, former Director of Operations, TRLP

trusted expertise

Why Effervesce?

We’ve been helping schools connect their vision for children’s learning with financial planning for years now. We understand data and we understand schools – you can rest assured that we know what we’re doing!


If you’d like to explore whether this workshop would be right for your organisation, click here to book a call with Susan.