education-centred strategic financial planning

a workshop for THE SENIOR TEAM

Getting started

It makes sense to set out the route map for the next few years but sometimes it is hard to know where to start.

The answer is to start from where you are, with your best team around you.  The workshop framework is flexible enough to respond to your needs and context, because every school, academy or MAT is different. 

How will this workshop help?

By the end of this workshop you will:


  • feel more comfortable about forecasting future funding and income, clear about the key elements of school funding and known and possible changes in the future
  • have tamed the uncertainty inherent in multi-year planning and be in a position to manage risks effectively
  • know how to develop an integrated and financial plan, as a team, that provides the strategic framework for annual budget, staffing and curriculum decisions and the basis for wider stakeholder engagement. 

The Effervesce approach

This workshop is based around the Effervesce framework which holds pupils at the heart. Teamwork is vital to an integrated approach. That’s why this workshop includes enough finance for educational leaders to be clear about balance and priorities, and enough on curriculum and staff deployment for finance and business leads to understand where most of the money goes. For some teams, the challenge is about approach and process. For some there is a need for spreadsheets. Others are looking for new ways to balance needs and resources. This workshop will be tailored to meet your needs.  


What to expect

A typical workshop is likely to involve:

  • An introduction to integrated curriculum and financial planning and the key metrics so that we have shared language
  • Exploring your data to understand the risks and opportunities
  • Considering some of the trends and developments elsewhere
  • Some spreadsheets – working together to get you started, bringing together information about where the money goes and how you organise staff and children
  • A few challenging questions and a lot of support

Venue?  I come to you.  Start and finish times? We will agree that between us.  Who should be involved?  Ideally the senior team but if you want to include a governor or trustee that is fine.

How will it work?

We will start with a phone call to clarify the objectives of the day, any time constraints you need to work around and deadlines you need to meet.  On the back of this I will put together an outline for the day and suggest some information you could pull together so that we can maximise the progress we achieve together.

At the end of the day there are likely to be some additional resources that I think you would find useful and I will send those through within a week.


“Best thing since sliced bread! Susan guided us through the methodologies, making them easy to understand. We modelled scenarios and she challenged us positively on some of our thought processes.”

Allison Crossland, Business Manager, Cotham School

trusted expertise

Why Effervesce?

We’ve been helping schools connect their vision for children’s learning with financial planning for years now. We understand data and we understand schools – you can rest assured that we know what we’re doing!


If you’d like to explore whether this workshop would be right for your organisation,
click here to book a call with Susan.